Now that A is away - i am beginning to appreciate him more! the one hr that he takes care of Riya in the morning was a life saver!
Its 9 pm and i wonder where the day went?
Day in Review:
2:30 AM - Riya wakes up - hungry. feed her. both of us fall asleep while feeding her.
4:AM - she makes her presence known by kicking me. I indulge her for a few minutes and then realize she doesnt look sleepy at all. Put her in the crib in her room with toys. get back to my room put the monitor on and go back to sleep.
6:30 AM. something woke me up. i go to her room shs is just gazing into space wide awake and freezing cold!1 she has managed to kick all her covers off! i totally forgto to put the heater in her room on!! damn damn!! i rush her back into bed with me. rub her hands and warm her up. she doesnt seem to care while i go thru oodles of guilt for leaving her in her room and going off to sleep! We have a talk about not scaring me like that again.I BF her and then I put her under the mobile for 10 min (i sneak back into bed ) but she lets me know 10 min are all iam going to get. I then try to be extra smart and put her in teh swing. 20 minutes in that and now she is crying ok ok. i guess this isnt going to work out.
7:45 AM - we are in the kitchen. she is happily banging on the high chair. i am barely up. craving the tea A used to make. i give her oatmeal and mix egg yolk in it like the super baby food lady suggested (i was up late reading that book) she takes one taste of it and decides she doesnt want breakfast (i dont really blame her but hey, i am the parent - mine tortured me with their food choices and i am allowed to do the same to my daughtera nd egg yolk it is! ) but oh no! she has different ideas! no egg yolk. i give up! i go and make just oatmeal but by now she thinks oh no! i am not havng anything resembling this gunk. tightlipped she just moves her head away whenever the spoon comes anywhere near her mouth! Great! so, then i try vegetables at 8 am and yes, she is ok with that Hallelujah! We have arrived!
8:15 AM - Wash up, change diapers, change clothes. check email. its 9 am and she is sleepy
9 :00 AM - she goes down for a nap. longingly, i look at my bed and then have breakfast and go in for a shower --
9:30 AM she wakes up and cries. i rush out of the shower - drag a bouncer in teh bathroom and finish my bath (why did i decide to wash my hair today of all days?)
Get out put her in the high chair while i clear up the kitchen. its 10:30 -- i had to be at the library for her story telling session - oh well so much for that. K calls - i was supp to come over to her house this morning. We leave by 11.
Riya loves being there with K. Happy and just so social with her! I am thrilled that she took to K so easily she is such a warm and loving person and i guess Riya sensed it also! She followed her around the whole time we were there. its 12:00 and she is ready for naptime and i rush home for her nap!
12:45 -- she is fast asleep in her crib. again, i look at the bed and then think of trash day which is tomorrow and laundry day which is today! *sigh*
• load dishwasher,
• unload dishwasher
• have lunch,
• put in laundry,
• take trash out,
• bring up laundry,
• open mail, do I ever get anything nice?
• pay bills, damn parking ticket!
• call doctor for her appt,
• post ad for nanny
• run references for a nanny
• think about starting a babysitting co op - hmm
• research babysitting co-op
• have lunch while returning calls.
Maybe, I ll go to bed now.. Hmmm… I go lie down and 2 minutes later a wail comes. Princess is up. It’s 3:15
3:15. Change diaper, feed her.
3:40 we go out for a walk to union – end up buying a few toys for her at Mudpie (K’s suggestion)
5:00 PM – back home and time to feed Riya. She decided to feed herself. It’s a mess everywhere but she is enjoying herself and I love watching her have fun with this! Change her diaper again – eeewwwwwwwwwww!
6:10 PM – she is already sleepy! And getting cranky! By 6:30 she is fast asleep.
I pick up the place, bake cookies for my new neighbors who just moved in. nice couple.
Brought laundry up. Took last of the trash down, brought the trash bins out
Called references for nanny – no one was home. I guess – 8 :00 pm is not a good time to call for this.
Called Azhar
Replied emails
Started writing blog at 9:15 and its 10 pm. I missed my flying class today cuz there was no one to baby sit R. oh well!
I am off to bed!
Cianora – is that even the right spelling ? I am too tired to look it up.
*5 min later* damn it must be the wrong spelling cuz I couldn’t find it anywhere!